What Rights Does a Minor Have in Relation to Contracts

As a minor, you may not have the same contractual rights as an adult. The law recognizes that minors are not yet legally capable of entering into certain types of contracts, and their contracts may not be enforceable. This article explains what rights a minor has in relation to contracts.

What is a Contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. It specifies the terms and conditions of the agreement and sets out the rights and obligations of each party. Contracts can be written or oral, but some contracts must be in writing to be enforceable.

What Rights does a Minor have in relation to Contracts?

In general, minors have limited contractual rights. The law recognizes that minors lack the capacity or legal ability to enter into certain types of contracts. As a result, there are several types of contracts that minors cannot enter into.

Contracts for Necessities

One exception to the rule is contracts for necessities. Minors can enter into contracts for necessities, such as food, clothing, and shelter. These contracts are enforceable, and minors are obligated to pay for the goods and services they receive.

Contracts of Employment

Minors can also enter into contracts of employment. However, these contracts are subject to certain restrictions. In many states, minors must obtain a work permit before they can begin working, and they are subject to limitations on the number of hours they can work.

Contracts for Education

Minors can enter into contracts for education, such as enrollment in a private school or tutoring services. However, the contract must be reasonable and necessary for the minor`s education, and the minor`s parents or guardians must consent to the contract.

Contracts for Entertainment

Minors can enter into contracts for entertainment, such as modeling, acting, or singing. However, these contracts must be approved by a court or a state agency, and the minor`s parents or guardians must consent to the contract.

Contracts for Loans

Minors cannot enter into contracts for loans. However, some states allow minors to cosign on loans with a parent or guardian`s consent.

Voidable Contracts

In some cases, a minor may enter into a contract that is not for necessities, education, employment, or entertainment. These contracts are considered voidable, which means that the minor has the right to cancel the contract. However, the minor must do so within a reasonable time after reaching the age of majority.


As a minor, it`s important to be aware of your contractual rights and limitations. While you may not have the same contractual rights as an adult, you still have rights when it comes to contracts. It`s important to consult with a lawyer if you have any questions or concerns about a contract.